Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 4 - 361 Days to go

Today we woke up to a winter wonderland in Georgetown.  We walked to our favorite breakfast spot - The Happy Cooker - which is only about a two minute walk.  It was the perfect morning - trees dusted with snow and warm enough that we could just wear our vests.  At breakfast we saw our favorite waitress and met a nice couple from Grand Rapids that want to move to Colorado.  I gave them my card in the hopes that we will meet again so I can help them with their dream move.

After breakfast, we went on a family walk.  I'm thinking I named the blog the wrong name because walking has really been a family event and an enormous blessing.  Today there were lots of snowball fights and laughter on our walk.  I wore my cute pink uggs and slipped twice.  Greg and I came up with a little song (really it was me, but he wants credit for coming up with 2 of the key words) sung to the tune of, "These boots are made for walking."

     These uggs aren't made for walking
     They're way too slip-per-y
     Every time I wear them
     I fall down on my knee

Greg and Abby peeled off halfway through the walk so Logan and I carried on.  I taught him more about architecture and symmetry and he listened attentively.  If that isn't enough of a gift from a twelve year old boy, I don't know what is:-)


  1. Attentive listening- enough of a gift from anyone!
    & 12 year olds sometimes do it best…

  2. Listening! A greatly underdeveloped talent in so many of us, and truly a blessing in a 12 year old, especially a MALE 12 y.o!
